Get the Best Career and Interview Coaching Services for Professional Progress

You want to be successful in the job market and you already know what it takes. You must stand out from the crowd. It’s getting more challenging than ever to do that. The stakes for securing the position you want are high. You face pressure to impress potential employers, so you craft the perfect application. But what happens after that? Hiring managers see your resume and invite you for an interview. Now, it’s time for your personal skills to shine! 

The hiring manager already knows about your experience, skills, and education. The resume told them what certificates you got, too. The interview is all about how you express yourself and what impression you make. If you have no idea what to do, the best interview coaching services will make a huge difference. You will get tips on how to overcome any anxiety and show the best side of your personality.  

You still haven’t come to the interview milestone? You’re in a whole other situation. You will need interview coaching assistance at some point, but you first need career coaching services. This type of service will evaluate your skills, education, and qualification. Professional consultants will suggest the most suitable career track to follow. They will help you set goals and precise steps that will take you to those big goals.

If you’re ready to start googling “interview and career coaching services near me,” hold on! We already did that for you. We did more: we tested some of the most popular services to help you choose the best one without any effort!

Do You Need an Interview Coach? 5 Signs That You Do!

When you first started applying for jobs, you felt confident enough. Getting that interview was your main goal. But can you make a good impression during an interview? These are definite signs that you need some coaching before the big day:

  • You’re not new to social anxiety
    It’s normal to feel nervous before an event as important as a job interview. But will you choke? If you’ve ever faced overwhelming anxiety that affected your performance, you should turn to a professional interview coach. They will give you techniques to manage your anxiety. By the end of the training, you’ll be able to stay calm and confident during the interview.
  • You’re getting interviews but no jobs
    If your resume is good and you’re applying for the right jobs, you already got a few invitations for interviews. But if you failed to present yourself in the best way possible, then you need an interview coach. They will evaluate your performance and give you feedback. They will identify the areas for improvement, and they will help you overcome your weaknesses.
  • You’re transitioning to a new job market
    A new role or industry can be challenging. You have to show your transferable skills and experiences, especially if you’re transitioning from the military to the civilian sector. The interview coach will help show your strengths in a way that resonates with employers.
  • You don’t have enough experience with interviews
    You haven’t been in an interview in a long time? Maybe you just graduated and you’re hitting the job market with that beginner enthusiasm? If everything is new to you, an interview coach will inform you about the common interview formats. They will tell you what questions to expect. They will watch you practice and train you towards a better approach.

Important Interview Skills to Work On

Getting skilled at attending interviews is not easy at all. You have to be self-confident, but not to an extent to make it seem fake. You should dress well, but you should never look like you’re trying too hard. It’s a complex situation that requires experience. An interview coach will give you hints on the skills you should improve:

  • Communication — The success of an interview depends on your ability to articulate your thoughts. When a HR manager asks you a question, you must answer it directly without using any filler words. Your voice should be confident and you must maintain a steady pace of speaking. That requires a lot of practice. The interview coach will give you instructions and guide you through that practice, so you’ll improve your communication skills.
  • Listening — Proper communication is not just about expressing yourself. 50% of it is about listening. More precisely, we’re talking about active listening. You must be absolutely focused on the hiring manager’s questions and comments, so you’ll respond in continuity. With that, you’ll show not just your engagement with the interview process, but your respect for the interviewer as well.
  • Non-verbal communication — Hiring managers are trained to pay attention to your body language. As a successful interview attendant, you should know how they observe you, so you can control your non-verbal communication cues. An interview coach will teach you to maintain good posture, make eye contact that’s appropriate, and use your hands to make a point seem more important. They will also pay attention to your handshake and the way you smile.
  • Asking questions — When you’re done answering, the interviewer will invite you to ask your own questions. Saying “I’m all good for now” is the worst thing you could do. Insightful questions will prove your interests in the role. They will also get you valuable information. The interview coach will help you form questions about the organization’s culture, the team, or any challenges the role involves.

How to Develop Great Interview Skills

The answer to that question is in preparation. The best career coaching services will help a lot during that process. However, you have to hire them soon enough, so you’ll allow yourself enough time to practice and prepare before the big day. Self-improvement doesn’t come overnight. 

How about some effective guidelines on developing great interview skills?

  • Give yourself time for regular practice — You can have mock interviews on regular time intervals. If you decide not to hire an interview coach, you can do them with a friend or family member. This kind of practice will simulate an interview situation. You’ll get both common and unexpected questions, and you’ll learn how to handle them.
  • Value the feedback you get — When doing mock interviews, ask your friends to be honest about your performance. Ask them what you could improve. What about your strengths? If they recognize your strong points, you can work on highlighting them.
  • Do your research — During an interview, you should show your understanding of the company’s culture, mission, history, and services. You should be informed about the latest news, too. You’ll use that knowledge to make your answers relevant for the particular job.
  • Prepare responses to common questions — Candidates get questions like “tell me about yourself” or “what makes you perfect for this job” all the time. You can prepare your answers, but don’t be too stiff about them. Give yourself some space to be spontaneous during the interview.
  • Work on clear communication — Practice clear, confident speaking in front of the mirror. Whenever you talk to someone, keep a steady pace and make sure your thoughts flow. Avoid filler words and go straight to the point. Nobody appreciates people who speak a lot but say little.  
  • Manage your stress levels — Yes; you’ll be stressed out during an interview. Everyone would be. The difference between a successful candidate and those who fail is in stress management. It’s important to get enough practice with techniques like deep breathing, mindfulness, and visualization. With them, you’ll learn how to keep your cool in a stressful situation.

Reasons to Hire Job Interview Coaching Services

It doesn’t matter what job market you target; they are all competitive. If you think you’re a great candidate for the job, you can bet there are others who are at least just as good as you. Hiring executive career coaching services can give you that edge you’re after. These are the most important reasons to consider investing in coaching:

  • You’ll get feedback from a pro — Yes; your friends and family members can hear you out and test you in a mock interview situation. But they will give you feedback from their personal point of view. They’ve known you for a long time, so they will probably hold back instead of warning you about your weaknesses. A professional coach, on the other hand, knows what a real interview should look like. They know how a hiring manager would evaluate you. They will give you 100% honest feedback from a professional point of view.
  • You’ll gain more self-confidence — An interview coach knows how to boost your confidence. They will inform you about common questions, teach you stress-management techniques, and give you all the details to make you feel prepared. With such a confidence boost, you’ll come across as a competitive candidate to potential employers.
  • You’ll know what to expect — Common interview questions are not a myth; they are universal across industries. Hiring managers may ask them in a different form, but you should always expect them. When you practice the answers to those questions, you’ll respond more confidently during the interview.
  • You’ll improve your communication skills — That’s not an easy thing to do on your own. A professional interview coach pushes you to improve your verbal and non-verbal communication skills. They teach you how to clearly express your thoughts with words. The goal for you is to speak in a way that makes an impression. Interview coaches work on different aspects of your interpersonal skills to get you to that point.  

What Is a Good Interview Coaching Service?

Yes; hiring an interview coaching service is a good decision. But what service will you hire, exactly? Your choice makes a huge difference. It’s not a decision you can make on a whim. You don’t want to gamble with a random selection from Google’s result. You can identify the right interview coaching service with these factors:

  • Personalized approach — You don’t want a generic guide that the service sends to all its customers. You need a personalized coaching approach that’s heavily based on your input. The training process should be collaborative. You should communicate with the coach all the time. Some services will give you instructions to follow but fail to provide direct feedback. You need the coach to understand your background, identify your strengths and weaknesses, and develop an individual plan to improve your skills.
  • Experienced coaches — A good interview coaching service will give you the names and detailed profiles of its coaches. We’re not talking about fake photos and paraphrased biographies. We’re talking about real coaches with a background in HR or recruiting.
  • Proven success — Always check reviews and get recommendations before hiring a coaching service. You can ask the service to give you a percentage of clients who got the jobs after they went through interview coaching. But the easiest way is to read reviews and hire a service with good social proof.
  • Flexibility — The interview coach might be in a different time zone. What happens then? Will you stay up in the middle of the night just to go through a session with them? No! They should adapt to you! The service you hire should be flexible to your timezone and schedule. They should assign a coach who will be able to work under your terms.
  • Ongoing support — After your initial coaching sessions, the service should be available for a follow-up. Your coach should show interest: how did the interview go? Can they help with more feedback that would make a difference in the future?

How Does the Interview Coaching Process Look Like?

Different services have different approaches. However, some steps are universal:

  1. You buy a plan
    Coaching services make a versatile offer to address different aspects of the interview process. Depending on what you need, you can choose a plan for career or interview coaching. You can also get cover letter reviews, mock interviews, communication skills training, and more.
  2. You go through a consultation
    The service will assign you a coach, who will immediately get in touch with you. Together, you’ll discuss what you need and what your career goals are. You will set goals, and the coach will develop a customized coaching plan. This is a flexible plan, which can be adjusted on the go. The coach may notice more strengths or weaknesses during the process, so you’ll focus on them without being limited by the initial plan.
  3. The coaching sessions start
    You’ll have scheduled coaching sessions that address different aspects of the interview process. In most cases, these sessions are focused on improving your communication skills, answering common interview questions, and improving your body language. Your coach should also train you to answer behavioral and situational questions.
  4. Go through mock interviews
    This is a crucial aspect of the training process. A mock interview will simulate a realistic situation. Your coach will act as a hiring manager, asking you both common and unexpected questions. They will evaluate your answers and overall behavior, and you’ll get feedback on what to improve.
  5. Get ongoing support
    To make sure you’re making progress, the coach will offer ongoing support. If necessary, they will schedule additional mock interviews and follow-up training sessions. Together, you’ll discuss your progress and plan how the coaching process develops. You will get final preparation tips before the interview. Most coaches will also contact you after the interview to discuss how it went.

Top 7 Interview Coaching Services

1. The Muse

The Muse is one of the most popular career advancement tools. It gets many positive reviews from job hunters who already used it. The website offers great interview prep, job search, and career advancement guides that are completely free. It also enables you to search for job ads, filtered to match your qualifications. 

What most people don’t know is that The Muse also offers coaching services. The website explains what you get, so you’re familiar with the expected outcome before signing up. We tried this service and ranked it at the top. It offered the most comprehensive assistance that was fully personalized to our requirements.


There are 3 types of services offered:

  • Mentor — You get a pre-coaching assessment of your needs and a 75-minute conversation with your coach via phone or video call. After that, you’ll get a follow-up email that summarizes the most important tips and tells you what your next actions should be. 
  • Coach — You will get the same type of service, but on an elevated quality level.
  • Master Coach — The package also includes a pre-coaching needs assessment, a 75-minute video call or phone interview, and follow-up instructions. It’s the best package from the offer, intended for high-level job applicants. 

Interview Coaching Process

Everything starts when you select the type of service you need. During the ordering process, you will complete a pre-coaching assessment. Through this step, you will identify your specific needs and career goals. The coach will evaluate your answers, so they can provide a personalized service. 

The main coaching session lasts for 75 minutes. You should schedule it at a time when you’re completely available. Get rid of all distractions! The coach will focus on a strategy and preparation plan. They will also conduct a mock interview with you. 

After that, you will receive follow-up support. This is an important step of the process, as it includes detailed notes and actionable tips that you can use for all interviews you attend in the future.

The Coaches

The best thing about The Muse is that it lets you choose a career coach. When you choose the type of service you need, you’ll access a roster of career coaches. Reviews and rankings from previous clients are available, so the reputation of each coach is transparent. 

Once you choose your coach, they will contact you within one business day to schedule the call. At the scheduled time, you’ll get the coaching session.

Service Reputation

There’s hardly a bad thing to say about The Muse. Most reviews are positive. We purchased the cheapest plan to test how the service works, and our experience was great. The coach was nice, focused, and very professional. It’s not the cheapest service out there, but the quality is consistently high.


You will get the same type of service for each of these packages, but the quality level differs. The prices are transparently featured on the site:

  • $155 for Mentor
  • $329 for Coach
  • $659 for Master Coach


  • Great quality
  • Highly professional, attentive, and knowledgeable coaches
  • Always on time
  • Great follow-up materials


  • May be expensive for some job seekers

2. TopInterview

TopInterview’s service is similar to the one you get from The Muse. However, when you pay a higher price for a top package, you will get an increased number of coaching sessions. We like that! 

The service hires experienced coaches, who understand the language of recruiters and hiring managers. They will evaluate your individual needs, such as the industry you’re entering and the job title you target. Through a collaborative effort, you and the coach will develop a plan with career objectives. Does this seem like a career coaching service? It is. But at the same time, you’re getting great interview training.


You can get 4 types of services from TopInterview:

  • Essential coaching — You get one coaching session on the “elevator pitch” topic. After that, you get a custom action plan and session notes. 
  • Standard coaching — The package includes two coaching sessions on these topics: elevator pitch, unstructured interview, and salary discussion. 
  • Professional coaching — You get three coaching sessions. In addition to the topics included in the Standard package, you also get a behavioral interview here. 
  • Customized plan — With this type of order, you can choose the topics that are important for your situation. Then, the team creates a custom plan and gives you a price for it. 

Interview Coaching Process

When you choose your plan, you will get a message from your coach. You’ll schedule the session, and you can choose a phone call or video call as a method. After the session, you will get detailed notes. With this service, the sessions are recorded. That’s a great feature, since you can get reminded about the tips as many times as you need. 

Similarly to other services, TopInterview also delivers a personalized action plan. The coach plans how you can make an interview successful by maintaining a specific style of expression.

The Coaches

The interview coaches at TopInterview are trained to offer a personalized approach. The service selects them in accordance with your industry, experience, and role. Your coach will give you industry-specific insights, so you’ll be as confident as possible at the interview. 

Service Reputation

The website says that TopInterview is the #1 rated coaching service. We don’t know where this ranking comes from, but we can confirm that the service has a great reputation. You can read reviews about it on independent websites, Reddit, and social media. In our experience, it’s one of the best services to hire when you’re after interview coaching. The packages are not cheap, but you get great value! 


If you want a customized package, the service will give you a price for it. But if you want one of the preset packages, this is how much you’ll need:

  • $149 for Essential coaching
  • $249 for Standard coaching
  • $349 for Professional coaching


  • Excellent quality
  • Approachable coaches with industry-specific knowledge
  • Recorded coaching sessions that you can revisit


  • Slightly expensive

3. ResumeSpice

This service offers resume writing and career coaching services. If you need job application documents and coaching, it’s great to get everything at the same place. We appreciate the ability to choose your own coach after checking out their profiles and the feedback they got from others. The only downside is the price, but we’ll get to that point after discussing the value you get.


This website has the most extensive range of services we’ve seen:

  • Career coaching
  • Interview prep coaching
  • Career assessments
  • Resume writing
  • LinkedIn profile writing
  • Cover letter writing
  • Professional bio
  • Thank you letter
  • Outplacement services (this is meant for employers)

If you choose the interview prep coaching service, you’ll get a 55-minute Zoom or phone consultation. 

For career coaching, you can choose one of these packages:

  • One session
  • Three sessions
  • Five sessions

The 5-sessions package includes two online career assessments and detailed reports. You’ll get a follow-up plan with any of these packages.

Interview Coaching Process

With ResumeSpice, you’ll get career coaching services through a straightforward process. First, you choose a package that suits your needs. Depending on your selection, you get a specific number of sessions, 55 minutes each. As soon as you purchase a plan, you’ll get an email that leads you to an online questionnaire. That’s necessary for the service to find the right coach for you. It takes less than two minutes to complete the questionnaire, so don’t worry about wasting time. 

Right after that, you’ll get a message from your coach. They will introduce themselves and invite you to schedule the first session.

The Coaches

The coaches from the ResumeSpice team are experienced professionals with backgrounds in recruiting and career coaching. Most of them have worked (or still work) in high positions in HR departments. They bring their industry-specific expertise in the tutoring sessions. They will tell you what personal qualities to highlight and what skills need improvement. 

The website explains what ResumeSpice’s career coaches focus on:

  • Leadership
  • Managing stress
  • Fast start at a new job
  • Public speaking
  • Managing teams
  • Difficult conversations
  • Salary negotiation
  • Managing career gaps
  • Overcoming a layoff
  • Personal branding, and more

You can choose your areas of focus, so the coach will develop a personalized plan for you. 

Service Reputation

Client testimonials show high reputation and positive outcomes with this service. Many reviews on the site report successful interviews. We tested the service from a user-point of view and found it convenient. It’s easy to get what you need through a personalized plan. We also appreciate the full list of services. You can get everything you need when hunting for a new job without the need to go to another website for a resume and cover letter. 


We’ll list the prices for interview and career coaching services:

  • $179 for one coaching session
  • $449 for three coaching sessions
  • $695 for five coaching sessions


  • Great selection of services: resumes, cover letters, career coaching, and more
  • Simple ordering process
  • Excellent coaches with industry-specific knowledge


  • Although you get great value for your money, the price can still be expensive for many job candidates

4. Jody Michael Associates

When compared to most other interview coaching services, this one is rather unique. Jody Michael, the founder of the service, focuses on “mental fitness” techniques to train you for professional success. She teaches you how to overcome reactive, emotional situations and quickly return to optimal performance. The career coaching service is 100% personalized and developed from scratch.


On this website, you can get resume writing services, career coaching, and executive coaching. If you need career coaching, you can choose from these packages:

  • Career coaching for students
  • Career coaching for professionals
  • Interview coaching

If you need executive coaching, you can get a package that’s tailored for your personal needs. This service is also available for teams and organizations.

Interview Coaching Process

The mock interview is at the core of this coaching process. Jody uses it to evaluate your strengths and weaknesses and give you immediate feedback on your performance. You will receive a comprehensive analysis of your skills (both verbal and non-verbal). Then, Jody will give you tips on how to be more effective at crafting your responses. 

We loved the surprise questions she asked. She also provides additional materials to help you improve your interview performance. These include mental techniques for staying calm and confident, dress codes, and more. It’s like getting an entire blog, but it’s well-organized in materials you can revisit.

The Coaches

Jody Michael provides coaching services on this website. However, she also assembled a team of highly qualified coaches. They all have different backgrounds, including executive coaching, clinical social work, and career development. The coaches are certified and experienced. Once you place the order, the team will identify the coach who would be your best fit.

Service Reputation

Positive results are consistently reported. You can check out the feedback Jody gets on social media. We also tested the service to see how it performed, and we were happy with the results. The process of scheduling and communication is very efficient. We received actionable feedback that could really improve a person’s interview skills.


The exact pricing is not disclosed on the website, and that’s a big problem. Most job seekers want to compare different services before making a decision. With JMA, you’ll have to contact the team and answer a questionnaire (to evaluate your needs). Then, they come to you with a price. We paid around $150 for a single coaching session. Yes; the coaching process was excellent and worth the price. But we appreciate seeing the prices disclosed and several pre-tailored packages available for order.


  • Excellent value for the price
  • Personalized coaching sessions
  • Experienced coaching staff
  • High client satisfaction rates
  • Focus on mental fitness and emotional intelligence


  • Premium offers can be expensive
  • The prices are not disclosed on the website

5. FindMyProfession

FindMyProfession offers unique services, targeted at those who are at the beginning of their career journey. They may be recent graduates or job seekers who transition to new industries. We loved the database of sample resumes on the website. It’s helpful for those who want to craft their own resume. 

If you’re currently lost in your career journey and you don’t have an idea what your dream job should be, this service is the best choice.


All job application writing services are offered:

  • Entry-level writing
  • Professional writing
  • Executive writing
  • C-Level writing
  • Federal writing

You  can get a resume, LinkedIn profile, cover letter, and other documents prepared by top-notch writers. 

The service also offers reverse recruiting assistance. It helps organizations to apply for candidates. Instead of candidates searching for jobs, organizations hunt for talent and try to get them on their teams. If you pay for this service, you’ll get a dedicated Reverse Recruiter, who will search for job opportunities for you. They start an application process and prepare you for job-specific networking.

Interview Coaching Process

The process starts with a consultation. The coach will evaluate your background and career goals. You’ll receive personalized coaching sessions that include mock interviews, behavioral analysis and recommendations, and feedback on your performance. 

It’s important to mention that the interview coaching process is not fully described on the website. However, if you contact the support, they can explain how it goes. They will also give you a personalized offer.

The Coaches

FindMyProfession has a great team of resume writers and career coaches. They are all presented with individual profiles, which show their qualifications and include a brief bio. It’s great to see who you’ll be working with!

Service Reputation

When we went through the feedback available on social media, we saw only praise for FindMyProfession. Clients are satisfied with the thorough feedback they get from coaches, as well as with the job application documents they order. We tried the reverse recruiting service and found it very useful. It takes a huge burden off the applicant’s shoulders. The team finds, applies, and networks for roles on your behalf. When you land an interview, they coach you to bring the best version of yourself with you.


If you want reverse recruiting or outplacement services, they won’t be cheap. These are the prices featured on the site:

  • $3K for 4 weeks of reverse recruiting 
  • $3.9K for 4 weeks of reverse recruiting + client strategy (discounted from $5K)
  • $795 for an executive resume
  • $649 for a LinkedIn profile

Entry-level resumes are more affordable ($395). But the price is still high. Keep in mind that this is a top-ranked resume writing and career coaching service. Despite the higher prices, it still attracts a great deal of job hunters.


  • Highly professional service with a unique set of services
  • Experienced staff 
  • Services tailored to your personal needs
  • Responsive customer support


  • High prices

6. LinkedIn Interview Coaching

Did you know that LinkedIn offers coaching services? The platform serves as a mediator, where you can check out the profiles of different coaches and send them an offer request. In our opinion, dedicated interview coaching websites are simpler to use. LinkedIn is not the most user-friendly platform. But if you’re used to it, you can find the perfect coach for an OK price.


Resume writing and interview coaching are the most common types of services that LinkedIn coaches offer. But some professionals have an extended list of services, including:

  • Life coaching
  • Business consulting
  • Executive coaching
  • Public speaking
  • Negotiation
  • Mock interviews
  • Behavioral interview training
  • Leadership development
  • Career development
  • Resume review, and more

In terms of services, LinkedIn is the most flexible platform. Since you can message the coaches to negotiate the collaboration, you can practically get any type of service related to career and interview coaching.

Interview Coaching Process

All coaches have their own approach to the process. LinkedIn gives a structure for the request. You’ll need to request a proposal through a few steps:

  • Choose a type of service
  • Choose the career point you’re at (in school, recent graduate etc)
  • Choose your industry
  • Choose the method for interview coaching (in person or online)

These details are enough for the coaches to send you an offer. We recommend requesting an offer from multiple coaches. They all have different packages and prices. When testing the service, we hired a coach who charged $150 for a single 60-minute coaching session. The coach also provided a follow-up with personalized instructions and tips. LinkedIn coaches can be much more expensive, so it’s important to compare a few before making a choice.

The Coaches

They are great. It’s LinkedIn we’re talking about, so you can check their detailed profiles and read what their clients said about them. Everything is transparent. You can see the type of training they’ve done and get info about their entire career.

Service Reputation

LinkedIn is a reputable platform. You cannot get scammed. Although it’s not the easiest one to use in terms of interview coaching, it’s the first place that many job seekers turn to. You won’t find specific success rates for the coaches, but you can make sure they are industry experts and experienced professionals. You’ll do that by checking their profiles. 


There’s an interview prep tool that’s free with LinkedIn Pro. It requires you to answer a few questions (in writing or through a video) and get feedback from experts. We recommend using that tool before hiring an actual coach. If you’re not a LinkedIn Pro user, the one-month trial will give you access to that service for free. 

If you’re ready to hire a coach, the price won’t be disclosed. You’ll have to request an offer and compare a few before making a choice. 


  • The coaches work independently, so they are very flexible with the services and terms
  • Highly professional assistance
  • Check the LinkedIn profiles of different coaches before choosing one
  • Get competitive offers before making a decision


  • It takes time to request offers and compare them 
  • When you find the perfect coach, it won’t be easy to schedule sessions at a time that works for you both

7. Mentor Cruise

This dynamic platform connects you with mentors in different industries, including tech, design, and more. You can also hire a mentor for general career development. 

The service offers accessible and personalized mentorship, which is suitable for job seekers at the beginning of their career journey. But it’s also great for mid-career and executive training. You can use the filters to find mentors in different categories: data scientists, UX designers, leadership mentors, software engineers, product managers, career coaches, startup founders, and more.


MentorCruise is very flexible in terms of the service you get. Once you find a mentor, you can negotiate the type of service you need. As an example, a product manager coach can offer a variety of services:

  • Monthly mentorship services
  • Intro session
  • CV review
  • Expert session, and more

Thousands of mentors are available, so you can definitely find one that offers the right service. 

The platform has a personal chat feature, which is great! If you and your mentor are both online at the same time, you can use the chat for casual communication.

Interview Coaching Process

Finding a mentor is the first step. You can view all mentors, but keep in mind that there are over 1000 profiles to go through. That’s why we recommend using the filters to find mentors that offer what you need. You can filter the results by location, company, and job title. You can also choose to see only top mentors or only those who are open to inquiries at the moment. 

These mentors offer monthly coaching sessions. They aren’t always available for new clients. When you close the deal with someone who’s available, they will provide ongoing support with interview and career coaching for as long as the collaboration lasts.

The Coaches

You’ll access a diverse pool of experienced mentors. These include professionals from top companies like Amazon and Google. It’s great that you can view their profiles and see what mentees have said about them. Each profile tells you what service you get from that particular mentor. For example, one of them may offer two calls per month and unlimited chat sessions.

Service Reputation

MentorCruise has an excellent reputation. Thousands of people use it on a monthly basis. They provide feedback for the mentors they’ve worked with. You can see what reputation a particular mentor has by checking their profile.


Each mentor sets their own price for the service they provide. We love the fact that the prices are transparent. That’s not the case with similar services that let you choose your coach. Here, the prices range greatly. You can find mentors who offer their services for $80 per month, while others are more expensive at $300 per month or more.


  • Transparent prices for monthly mentorship
  • You can get an affordable offer
  • You know exactly what you get when you choose a mentor
  • Great for beginners on their career journey
  • Versatile coaching offer


  • The mentor you want won’t always be available
  • You have to commit with monthly membership

Are you ready to choose a platform for interview coaching? We listed options that we tested and verified as great. Now, it’s time to take action!

About the author

In my line of work, I go through sometimes 30-50 resumes a day. Some are too wordy, and others are overstuffed with keywords in an attempt to “trick” every job seeker’s enemy, an ATS. Sometimes, there are inconsistencies in the work history or grammar mistakes. A perfectly crafted resume doesn’t guarantee that this particular candidate will be a 100% fit for the role; however, it does show to me as a recruiter that this person has taken time to polish their resume to make it stand out and grab my attention. Read More